Archive by Author

How to get what you want (?)

Buy a riddle book. Flippant? No – we are being 100% serious. Being able to see life’s challenges as a series of riddles is an asset. Shirin Gerami made history this weekend by becoming the first female triathlete to take part in a world championship under the Islamic flag. How did she do it? She […]

How you walk into a room can literally change your life

There are 5 easy and essential steps that make a positive impact to getting what you want, and that most people don’t even think about. How you open the door, where you sit and how you conduct yourself physically in a room can make the difference between getting a job, or a promotion, or not. […]

How to start a fight! All you need is one ‘off’ potato

TIP NO 1: If you know how to start a fight or how one starts you are halfway to knowing how to stop it. You find yourself in the supermarket in the queue when all of a sudden you are hit in the back by a trolley. You turn around and see a man whose trolley […]