What motivates you?
Take a moment to ponder the dark day when Wonder Woman and Superman are having an ‘off’ day. Are you there yet? Doom and devastation, no good deeds, nothing to look up to… no one flying through the sky in tight Lycra. Maybe they are just a tad demotivated, they’ve been burning the candle a bit at both ends of the hemisphere, or maybe it’s much worse and it’s full blown burn out!
We are all part Wonder Woman & Superman and how successful we are in our daily and professional lives can be predicted by how motivated we are.
Motivation is simply the desire to get things done. Success is the end result – measured by our own internal vision of what that looks like.
What do you want to achieve? Whatever your goals, short or long term, you will need substantial motivation to achieve them.
Motivation translates your desire into outcome and sustained activity.
In the last 20 years we have made huge breakthroughs in our understanding of motivation, how our brain impacts our behaviour and visa versa. We are at the cutting edge of human knowledge and that means – yes – we can use this knowledge to be every bit the super heroines / heroes we might dream of.
We now can really grasp motivation and act on it – with that comes a huge sense of freedom, energy, and success; and all that follows.
Understanding and adapting our actions and behaviour is often required for the achievement of our goals.
If you ever feel demotivated, burnt out, or want to increase and sustain your motivation then read these simple points.
1. Know how YOU work best – that’s critical. This involves everything from knowing when you are most energetic, what pulls you down, & what measures are in place to pull you up.
2. Know what you are driven by: fear of failing or desire to succeed. What’s your performance preference style. Neither is wrong or right but knowing the difference is essential.
Do you worry more about what you’ll lose if you don’t succeed or what you’ll win if you do?
3. Know what affects your state of mind and how to improve it. Rewards & environments all control our state of mind and aid motivation.
How have you set up your environment? Do you stand up when you sell or sit down? Tiny shifts can make a big difference.
4. Know the art of sustainability and how to avoid burnout. Increasing our challenges even slightly so they are attainable but interesting can shift us into motivational gear in seconds.
Martial arts have taught us a great deal about sustaining energy, and the incredible feats that people can achieve through physical and mental awareness. Without a doubt, and I’m not going to lie here, if you are motivated to greatness then you need to push yourself out of your comfort zone and practise hard. But even tiny shifts in our body, our diet, our thinking will make an impact on our mind and our motivational state. You can try it now by rolling your shoulders back, sitting up straight, breathing in, and expanding your chest.
5. Know how to turn adversities into opportunities: This involves understanding your limiting beliefs and what to do about them.
There’s always a script going on in our heads. What types of questions are you asking? Are they the same as those that go on in the mind of Wonder Woman or Superman?
If you’d like to know how to live and work with consummate motivation and ease, how to sustain motivation and how to find the hero/ine within then drop us an email to [email protected].
© Copyright 2014 Sharon Kennet at Coaching Nation–all rights reserved. Feel free to share.
Image: Andy Lidstone / Shutterstock.com