How to become really rich without much money.

Coaching _Nation_Game3_Money_Part 2Coaching _Nation_Game3_MoneyEverywhere I turn at the moment someone has a scheme / workshop / event for how to make more money and how to be a success. I feel slightly concerned about this pressure we put on ourselves to constantly strive for more at the expense of enjoying the here and now.

Don’t get me wrong many of our clients aspire to increased wealth and success and I’m delighted to say that we turn those aspirations into a reality.  What I’d like to share with you is how. Sometimes it has to do with actual financial management but mostly it is indirect, for example, learning how to hold your own in interviews can produce 7 top LA agents, as it has done recently for a client and money was never mentioned as an aspiration. It was about learning how to be in the moment.

Much as I hate to say it lots of clichés about being rich do hold true – being rich really isn’t just about money. It’s about everything else in your life. It is about mind-set, aspirations, other people’s needs, clarity, practical know how, problem solving, passion, finding a niche, being in the here and now, psychology, and so on.

So what to do if you don’t have much money and you want to grow your wealth! Here’s our top 10 list.

  1. Increase your creative thinking (we call it divergent thinking.) There are a number of ways to do this. You’ll find one example at the top of this blog. It is great fun and gets those juices flowing!
  2. Trade with others so no money need exchange hands
  3. Sell shares in yourself
  4. Collaborate with others and; share products and services that you need on a rota basis; or work on a referral basis, so that your service charges are offset against a percentage for each referral
  5. Increase your knowledge and expertise – get up two hours earlier
  6. Multiply your network – including connecting with people & organisations who have the wealth and expertise that you aspire to or need to increase
  7. Look at your choices – revaluate what you choose to spend your money on – there are nearly always options and changes that can be made. Get someone external to help
  8. Have a skill you can sell, make yourself invaluable & learn the interpersonal skills needed to convey that skill
  9. Make other people rich and successful at what they do
  10. Re-evaluate your relationship with money and change your patterns, it may be holding you back. If you think for example, £100 is a lot of money – double or triple the amount and see how it feels to think differently.

Increasing these elements will provide you with a richness to your life that ultimately will produce more tangible wealth.

And remember that most “very rich” people say they were never in it for the money. So knowing what you are really in it for and also knowing what success looks like to you is an essential starting point… Yesterday I was told the following, ‘I’m completely booked up – I’m now turning people away. I’m a success – oh dear I’m not sure how I feel about that.’  What a wonderful dilemma to have.

I wish you all great wealth!




© Copyright Sharon Kennet at Coaching Nation 2014 – all rights reserved. Feel free to share.